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Thursday, September 28, 2023

73rd annual report update - von neumann pre trains economist journalists in ai gamble with lifetimes and planetary data

 Von neumann's NET (Neumann Einstein Ruring) fioresaw 4 expoemetail gambles unlesahsing engine type 6 computining including neyorsciemnces and 1000 Lanhgauge modelsl translation - they asked 1950s jiurnalists to relentless survey optimistic futures opposite to orwell's big brotherb endgame- they also belived irreversibly of systems would kick in around 2025

it was agreed in 1951 that the most valuable survey and journalist could linkin : what goods will peope sunite where they get early acces to multipliers of at leasdt 100 times more tech per decade

eg moores law from 1965 gave silicon cvalley 100 times more analytic power to play with; the proigramable chip had been a response toi huge orders form japanese e;ectronic calculatirs formsd; thos at tokyo oly,pics including prince charles reuniting or royal familiesd and reuquest to sony's morita to inward invest in wales forseaw worldwide steallite communications - whilst hard to esdteimate exasctly when this kicked in 100 times ore tech to who - it made type 5 engines coms integral to type 6 computaional engines and vide versa- in fact all enginesd types are holinic from galsgiw's type 1,2 physical power, factory automation 1760s on to transpiorattion eg railways scaling from 1820s to electricity type 4 a mid european standrad along with type 5 wou=iotldwide cooepration standards in tele- coms hubbed out of switezaerland ITY since 1865

the 4 great risks that each needed turing into worlwide opportinities

energy that the maths greats had been forecd to spend motrs of life on including bad enery of nuclear

all huamns being more connecetd than separated by generation millennial

designing above zero sum trading maps

everything the un down raoid from princeton was burdened with conflict resolution mapping

check out the 3 games we aim to offer good news on

aigames.sdolar whose intelligence since 1950 has adcvanced humanti

worlds si see beyond extinction

how stanford becamse the borthday wish party of chnaging every iniversity with a future of muktiplying good intel cvommunally as well as virtuallu

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